Sydney Saizi (*1984)


Sydney Saizi has enjoyed the friendly company of his master, Fungayi Mwarowa, while he found his way towards mastering the art of Zimbabwean Stone Sculpture.

Like his peers, he created his first masterpiece of size in April-May of 2017, and out of the three themes, Water, Stones, Plants, he chose Water and created a wonderful “Mermaid”, born directly out of the foam, just like the famous Venus by Boticelli.

It has humour, is life assuring and carries Sydney’s already now typical facial expression. 

Already a mature artist, Sydney is also an important part of the social life at Springstone Trust, always ready to come to help and assistance, and with an eye on all that is going on, so it upholds the quality of life, which has become a trade mark of the place.



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