
Leo Berekai was born in 1976 in Chitungwiza, south of Harare, where he still lives.
He tells about becoming a stone sculptor: "When I was 13 years old, my mother married the famous sculptor Joseph Ndandarika, and I watched him create his pieces. When Joseph died, she took up sculpting herself and earned a contract with the Chapungu Sculpture Park in Harare in 1997. She worked and exhibited there and she asked me for help, so that was the way I came into sculpting. Since 2000 she has been exhibited in the US and in the UK.
In 2000 I got a contract with Chapungu myself and I am still working there. Through Chapungu my work has been exhibited in Germany, South America and The United States.”
Leo Berekai likes to show common life in Zimbabwe through his sculptures - for example women doing every day work such as fetching firewood or selecting seeds, drummers drumming, people sitting together discussing, or hunters resting after the hunt.
Leo Berekai has exhibited with Friends Forever since 2006.


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