
Enos Gunja comes from Guruve, like many other of the Zimbabwean Sculptors.
Guruve is situated in the North of Zimbabwe, and you pass the dust road leading to Tengenenge, on your way up there.
Early in his life he discovered his talent for sculpting and joined the Tengenenge Sculptors' Community in 1967. He says his ideas come from his imagination and dreams. "The figure is taken out of the stone where it lies like a figure wrapped in a blanket. It is not seen by anyone, like a figure in a pool, until it is taken out starting from the top of the head until the feet are revealed."
His sculptures are often grotesque with bulging eyes and beaklike mouths, maybe with the nose missing or divided into horns. Or like the armless sculpture called "Where are my arms?" Other sculptures are serene and natural with soft rounded out curved elements.
Today Enos Gunja lives in Guruve and comes to the farm from time to time, also to check upon the young artists' progress.


Mother and Child